Innovative Dust Prevention

In this previous blog post, we highlighted the impact of dust-buildup on your pc; and the importance of removing such dust when the buildup gets too much.
But what if instead, we could prevent the dust from building up inside the machine in the first place?
Prevention – after all – is better than cure!

But what if instead, we could prevent the dust from building up inside the machine in the first place?
Prevention – after all – is better than cure!

That’s where these ingenious dust filters come in.

How it Works

There’s more to these filters than meets the eye. They are designed to filter out the larger dust particles; while still allowing good airflow through the PC’s cooling system.

These filters are designed to fit over the air intakes of electronic or computer equipment using a built-in magnetic frame. They are easy to install without any tools or special skills, making them accessible to everyone. The filters attach to the outside of the case, covering the ventilation holes where cooling air enters.

To prevent dust from entering through other openings like USB ports or optical drives, it’s recommended to set up a positive pressure system. This means ensuring more filtered air enters the case, creating higher internal pressure that forces air (and dust) out through any gaps.

For non-ferrous cases, a peel-and-stick magnetic frame is provided as an optional extra. The filters are made from a durable, high-precision medical-grade mesh, making them easy to remove and clean when necessary.

Very Low-Maintenance

Now all you’ll have to do from time to time is remove the filter and brush or rinse the dust off that would have landed up on your components.

If rinsing, use only cold water and make sure that it’s thoroughly dry before reapplying it to the PC.

Now you can rest easy, knowing that you’ve improved the performance and longevity of your computer.

So Get Yours Today for Hassle-Free Computing

We have many sizes available to fit most use-cases and can have custom shapes made up for you at minimal extra cost.

Contact us today to find out more!

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